Workplace Health and Safety

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Workplace Health and Safety

Key principles guiding WHS policy

  1. Farmers, their families, and their workers must remain safe at work.
  2. AgForce is committed to promoting and embedding a whole of business safety culture amongst all our members, primary producers more widely, and our own team through active engagement and communications.
  3. We believe in the effectiveness of promoting a strong safety culture as a key step in reducing workplace safety incidents and deaths amongst primary producers.
  4. We support initiatives such as training and education programs, provision of employer toolkits, quick start tools and other solutions to build confidence and capability of members. Farm safety is a key activity of AgForce.



Farms are workplaces with many hazards. Historically, farming accounts for a small percentage of the total workforce but there is a disproportionate level of workplace deaths and injuries. Both industry collectively and individual farmers need to work harder to address this unacceptable outcome.



Many producers do not have active farm safety systems in place. Levels of participation in workplace health and safety vary widely across the primary production sector. While some producers place a high priority on finding solutions to ensure farmers, their families and their workers go home safely, some do not see workplace health and safety as part of the whole business and don’t believe there is a return on the investment of time and energy into this area.

We have several general workplace health and safety policy principles that guide our advocacy efforts to reduce workplace incidents on farms and increase effective producer participation in workplace health and safety. We support the integration of safety into farm businesses and actively promotes the benefits of a “farm safety culture” to improving safety outcomes and the ongoing sustainability of agribusinesses.

AgForce WHS Services

AgForce Employers' Toolkit

AgForce Safety Management System and AgForce Employment Manual

Does your business have a comprehensive and effective safety management system?
Do you need help with employment and employee management?

We have two tools to help producers with WHS and human resources management. These tools are sold online both separately or as one product.

Online Rural Property Induction

Created as both an induction for new workers, and a refresher for current workers, the Online Rural Property Induction is an engaging online course that provides a sound knowledge base and awareness of hazards when working on rural properties.

Additional Resources

The Queensland Worksafe website outlines the latest information about work health, safety and workers' compensation services for the ag sector in Queensland.

It contains useful information including legal requirements, articles case studies and audit materials relevant to the industry on a variety of topics including:

The 'Serious about farm safety guide' was developed by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland and agricultural industry representatives. It is used to assist small to medium-sized agricultural businesses to develop a management system for health and safety risks around the farm and other agricultural workplaces.

The guide covers

  • legislative requirements for workers' compensation
  • safety management systems
  • identifying and assessing risks
  • implementing suitable safe work procedures
  • general hazard information for the agricultural industry.

Workplace health and safety policies and procedures should form the framework of a health and safety system. This guide provides useful information and a series of simple templates to help you set up your own safety system.


Contractor Management Handbook
The Contractor Management Handbook has been produced by the Beef Industry Safety Advisory Group (BISAG) as guidance material for working with contractors to promote a safer paddock to plate workplace. The BISAG is an industry group comprised of Queensland beef producers who are working collaboratively with Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

This handbook outlines what is required as a minimum standard across the agricultural industry for contractors working on properties. The handbook is available to download free of charge to all stakeholders in the beef sector.


Fairwork Australia

Fairwork Australia has a wide range of forms and tools to help employers with employment.


People in Agriculture

Developed by key members from across the ag sector, People in Agriculture is an exciting initiative that provides all the latest information about working in the industry.

The easy to use website features information on employment law, news, career management and professional practice. It is a free resource built for all employees and employers within the agricultural industry.

Workplace Health and Safety

Our website login feature is temporarily suspended while we are building a new member portal, so some information may not be available. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us for more information.

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