Climate Change

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Climate Change

The Australian agricultural industry is characterised by significant climate variability and continues to enlist practices that reduce emissions and the risks associated with operating in a volatile environment. 

We understand

Environmental change and variability pose significant challenges to Australian producers, but also creates innovation in farming. To remain competitive and develop long-term productive strategies, the broadacre industry continues adapting to both short-term seasonal variability and long-term climate changes.

While climate change is a global responsibility, AgForce is committed to ensuring the productive capacity of the agricultural industry. We wish to see sustainable growth, by supporting both appropriate government policy changes and our members as they work toward industry targets.

Of utmost importance is that governments support the long-term viability of the broadacre agricultural sector, ensuring improved producer resilience. Governments must support the efforts of the agriculture industry and associated supply chain sectors to innovate and adapt operational practices. 

We support

AgForce supports policies that focus on tangible measures for improved agricultural practices including those leading to industry targets of reduced emissions while securing satisfactory business outcomes. This includes:

  • policies that incentivise the adoption of better practices
  • strategic infrastructure investments that improve efficiencies
  • investment in R&D and tools that support decision making associated with resilience and competitiveness of enterprises, and
  • continuous improvement through evaluation and review of policy settings.

As a long-standing member of our national body, AgForce supports the National Farmers Federation policy positioning around climate change. 

We advocate

Agriculture must be recognised for its efforts to adopt emission reduction processes. They should also be noted for their susceptibility to supply chain constraints beyond their control, e.g. rising transportation costs.

Regulation should not unfairly impose farmers with the cost of achieving national/state emission reduction objectives or impact an enterprises’ development.

Carbon sequestration services should be fully compensated. They should not be the source of low-cost abatement to other sectors through regulation.

Property rights must be respected. Producers need to have the flexibility to manage their land in a way that suits their business while maintaining environmental outcomes.

Any new emission reduction practices should not cause adverse outcomes, like loss of prime agricultural land or pest and weed encroachment.

Climate Change

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