Diploma by RPL

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Diploma by RPL

  • Diploma of Agriculture AHC50116 - $950 ($800 AgForce members)
  • Diploma of Agribusiness Management AHC51416 - $950 ($800 AgForce members)
  • Dual Diploma of Agriculture and Agribusiness Management - $1200 ($1000 AgForce members)

Download RPL Application Forms: 

Recognition of prior learning (RPL) is about the skills and knowledge you've gained through work and life experiences.

For example, considerable experience managing and operating a cattle, sheep, grain or mixed farming property could mean you have most or all the skills and knowledge required to obtain a diploma by RPL.

Your skills will be assessed against industry standards. This is done by an RPL assessor. The assessor will consider your skills and knowledge and match them against the standards of the units in the diploma.

You will be asked to:

  • Provide evidence of your work, skills, knowledge and experience
  • Evidence can be in many forms including detailed work history, reports, plans and work samples- management and financial decision making documents for example, job descriptions, references and performance appraisals.
  • Your assessor will engage with you through a detailed conversation to draw out your achievements and capabilities and discuss what evidence you need.

Am I eligible?
This qualification reflects the role of personnel working on farms and stations who manage enterprise production units and employees and sole operators of agribusinesses who provide crop production advice and services to production enterprises.

Industry expects individuals with this qualification will take personal responsibility and exercise autonomy in undertaking complex work. They must analyse information and exercise judgement to complete a range of advanced skilled activities. Job roles vary across different industry sectors.

Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:

  • Station/property manager  
  • Farm production manager
  • Production unit manager
  • Agronomist

Are you able to provide evidence of the following skills and knowledge areas?

  • Developing a whole of farm plan
  • Managing staff
  • Developing a business plan
  • Demonstrate marketing of farm production
  • Planning and managing infrastructure
  • Risk management strategies- climatic, WHS, chemical application
  • Managing budgets and financial reports
  • Monitoring business performance
  • Planning production for whole of farm
  • Managing crop and or livestock production

What qualifications could I be eligible for from AgForce?

  • Diploma of Agriculture AHC50110
  • Diploma of Agribusiness Management AHC51410

What's involved?
The process is simple and completed through the following steps:

Application Form – this form is for you to provide information about your skills and experience.  AgForce Training will review the information you have provided and begin to match up your skills to the units/subjects that make up the Diploma requirements.
Conversation – during a phone conversation with the AgForce trainer you will have the opportunity to discuss and identify your previous experience and participate in a competency conversation which asks you industry/on-farm related questions relating to your experience.

Demonstrations – you will be required to complete at least one practical paper-based exercise to demonstrate your level of competence.

Further Steps – after completing the exercise/s AgForce Training will give you information about the skills that have been recognised and whether you have gained the full qualification.  If you do have skill gaps, these may be addressed through flexible training.

How much time will the RPL process take?
You can complete one or both diplomas at the same time. The time it takes to complete the program is up to you and how long it takes you to complete the application form, collect your evidence, complete any practical exercises and set aside time to talk to the trainer on the phone.  

How much does it cost?
Recognition of prior learning of one diploma is $950 ($800 for AgForce members), or can enrol for both diplomas at the same time and only pay an additional $250. Total cost $1200 ($1000 for AgForce members).

Download RPL Application Forms:

How do I get more information?
Contact AgForce Training for more details on (07) 3236 3100 or email us.

Diploma by RPL

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