What you can do to minimise rural crime on your property

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What you can do to minimise rural crime on your property

What can you do?

  • Identify animals, tools, vehicles, machinery and equipment. Consider photographing, videoing or using a metal engraver or stamp of other permanent identification such as 'data dot' technology. Follow branding legislation and list all permanent property or stock. Consider using system like NLIS to accurately keep exacting records. If plant or machinery is missing, report this immediately to the Stock and Rural Crime Squad or QPS office and use these identification tools in describing them. 
  • Check stock, paddocks, gates and fences where stock graze as regularly as possible. When stock are missing ensure you immediately notify the SARCIS or other QPS office, as quickly as possible, and be able to provide details (such as brands, earmarks and NLIS device numbers).  
  • When designing and erecting new buildings take into consideration security measurements and construct from strong materials and lock points. This is especially important for fuel and machinery stores. Don't underestimate the importance of being able to lock equipment.  
  • Be seen around your property and avoid set times or schedules if possible. Consider using guard dogs when you are unable to be home.
  • Liaise with your trusted neighbours and ask them to watch out for strange vehicles. Don't forget to tell your neighbours when you plan to be away.  
  • Maintain and secure fences. Never leave gates, doors or equipment unlocked or keys in vehicles. Reduce the potential for opportunistic theft.
  • Turn off power to fuel pumps, and consider fencing and lighting the area around them. Keep the area around pumps, machinery and tanks clear to make observation easier. Also consider camera systems in these areas.
  • Locate fuel tanks or other easily accessed areas near sheds or residences to deter opportunistic threats. Park vehicles in the same areas when possible.
  • Consider becoming involved in Neighbourhood and Rural Watch programs.
  • Producers need to ensure that if there is suspicious behaviour that they report to the Queensland Police Service. Don't think that the police are able to provide complete security for your property – be prepared to spend the time and money to make your property more secure, but be prepared to report suspicious activities to the police.

AgForce members are encouraged to contact their local police squad and/or their Cattle/ Sheep Director if they have had any rural crime issues.

Major and Organsied Crime Squad (Rural) contacts are listed here or anonymous reports can be made via Crime Stoppers QLD on 1800 333 000.

Information compiled by Queensland Police Service and AgForce to help combat rural crime.

What you can do to minimise rural crime on your property

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