Industry engagement

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Industry engagement

Delivered by the AgForce SIPP team with funding from Department of Employment, Small Business and Training

Gateway Schools Program

The Department of Employment, Small Business and Training (DESBT) funds this program across 6 Queensland industry sectors including agriculture.

  • The Gateway to Industry Schools program builds partnerships between schools and industry to enable young people to acquire the knowledge, skills and attributes to participate effectively in the Queensland economy.
  • The program provides opportunities for industry and the education sector to work together to deliver outcomes for students, local communities and businesses.

Agribusiness Gateway Schools Program

The project aims to help young people make a successful transition from school into further education and/or employment in agricultural related industries. The AGS program:

  • promotes partnerships between schools, training providers, universities and industry to link young Queenslanders with development and career opportunities
  • encourages students and school communities to engage in the diverse range of careers across the sector. Managed by the Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).

AgForce works with DESBT and DAF to provide professionally organised industry engagement activities and opportunities to the Agribusiness Gateway Schools and surrounding schools.

Just some engagement events in this program:

  • Ag Inspirations Tours: intensive tours to meet producers and learn about the business and career opportunities.
  • Career Conversations: extensive conversations in a relaxed setting with dozens of industry reps about their career paths and choices, opportunities and options.
  • Show Discovery Tours: using the wide range of industry at agriculture shows to conduct tours and conversations across ag sectors at the shows.

The engagement program achieves its aims by:

  • Working with stakeholders to promote agribusiness and associated supply chain employment and career pathways to students
  • Creating and delivering structured activities that promote and raise the awareness of schools and their students of the diverse range of higher education, training and skills pathways available in the agribusiness sector and its associated supply chains.
  • Assisting access to agribusiness relevant professional development opportunities for teachers
  • Creating and/or providing opportunities that raise the awareness of school careers advisors of the diverse range of employment and career opportunities and higher education, training and skills pathways available in the agribusiness sector and its associated supply chains
  • Supporting opportunities to connect school communities with real industries to highlight the importance of agriculture to Queensland and assist students and teachers to understand the origins and processes that create their food and fibre.


2019 newsletters and reports

Industry engagement

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