Share a story with us

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Share a story with us

Do you have a story to tell?

Has something happened in the last few months that you'd like to share with the AgForce community?


Perhaps you found an innovative way to solve a problem, or made a life-changing connection with someone in your region.


If you're a member we would love to hear all about it.


Guidelines for contacting AgForce Queensland

When it comes to the media and sharing members' experiences, we want to hear from you wherever you are and in the easiest way possible.

You can use social media and email to share your experiences with us for sharing across our various digital, social and print media formats. These channels include:

  • our weekly email newsletter to AgForce members
  • our quarterly members' magazine Envoy.
  • our various social media accounts

Here are a couple of pointers when sending us content:

• Don’t use this opportunity for material intended to obtain funds or to promote, advertise or sell any goods or services. This is a service we wish to provide our members and their communities for organic, personal interest storytelling purposes. For advertising rates, please call our media team on (07) 3236 3100.

• Don’t put yourself or others in danger when making films or taking photographs to share with us.

• Ensure you get permission from the people who you are filming or taking pictures of if you film or photograph them in private places or engaged in private activities e.g. hospitals, schools, privately owned land or buildings. Private places are public or private property where there is a reasonable expectation of privacy.

• Treat the people in your film and images with courtesy. Let them know what you are filming or photographing and why, and where your film or images might be seen.

• If you submit an image of or created by a child, and are not the parent or guardian of the child, you must get permission from the parent or guardian prior to sending the content to us. Students must not be approached or photographed at school without the permission of the school authorities. Do not include any material (location, name, school name etc) that could enable someone to identify the child.

• Always get permission from the landowner before filming or photographing on private property. (This includes hospitals, schools, and commercial premises to which the public may have limited access as well as privately owned land without buildings).

• Don’t include confidential or private personal information in your film or photograph without permission.

• Don’t use material in your video or image that doesn’t belong to you or which you don’t have the right to use. You may be able to use copyright material without permission but as a general rule do not feature other people’s work (such as music, artwork or photography) in your film or image unless you have the permission of the copyright owner. Be particularly careful about playing music in your video (even cover versions) without the permission of copyright holders especially if that music is a feature of the film rather than something going on in the background.

• Don’t include defamatory material (eg statements showing someone in a negative or disparaging way).

• It is important that everyone gets a fair trial. Don’t make films or submit images about criminal proceedings whilst those criminal proceedings are ongoing. In particular do not interview those accused of crimes, witnesses or jurors about cases they are involved with.

• Be considerate towards those involved in your submission. Don’t intimidate or harass anyone in the course of making your contribution. Do not use material which has been obtained surreptitiously, using hidden cameras or recording devices, and do not use material in your film or picture in a misleading way.

Share a story with us

Our website login feature is temporarily suspended while we are building a new member portal, so some information may not be available. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us for more information.

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