Who is AgForce?

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Who is AgForce?

AgForce Queensland is a peak organisation representing Queensland's rural producers, which strives to ensure the long term growth, viability, competitiveness and profitability of broadacre industries of cattle, grain, cane, sheep and wool in Queensland.

Our Purpose:
Advance Sustainable Agribusiness

Our History

AgForce was born out of the need for a single, united voice for broadacre producers with the merging of the Cattlemen's Union of Australia (CU), the Queensland Graingrowers Association (QGGA) and the United Graziers' Association (UGA) in 1999.

The Cattlemen's Union of Australia (CU), the Queensland Graingrowers Association (QGGA) and the United Graziers' Association (UGA) each represented their respective members on agri-political issues. Together, the three groups had a vision of bringing broadacre producers in a single, unified association. This organisation is now known as AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited.

AgForce's success has been built on the strengths of its predecessor organisations, but it has also embraced many different philosophies in its aim to ensure the long term growth, viability, competitiveness and profitability of broadacre industries.

Our Staff
AgForce's team of dedicated policy officers and support staff are based in Brisbane and the regional offices - if you have questions or feedback, contact us.

Our Core Values

Credible and Trusted
We value our credibility and the trust placed in us. Our high-quality research, activities, and communications ensure that we are authentic, reliable and trustworthy. We inspire confidence in all of our stakeholders with professionalism and integrity.

Accessible and Approachable
We value the connection we have with our stakeholders, particularly our members. We are dedicated to open, user-friendly, and easily-understood communication, always ensuring that we invite and encourage interaction from our members and that channels to reach us are pro-actively monitored, convenient, and readily available to our stakeholders.

Committed to our Community
We value the communities in which we operate and are committed to serving them. We fight for the long-term profitability and sustainability of agriculture and regional and rural communities, knowing that they underpin the sustainability and continued success of our cities, state, and country.

Passionate Leadership
We value the unique and aspirational personal commitment and enthusiasm that drives the people who work with us. We believe that authority and influence come from a commitment to serve, to grow expertise and to continually improve.

Making a Difference
We value the impact we make on the lives of our stakeholders. Our varied and innovative work has the power to influence transformation in both practical and profound ways.

Strategic Plan 2018-2021 (members only)
Access our Strategic Plan for the period 2018 to 2021 by logging into the Members Only section at the top of the screen, then returning to this page.

Who is AgForce?

Our website login feature is temporarily suspended while we are building a new member portal, so some information may not be available. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us for more information.

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