Vegetation Management Campaign

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Vegetation Management Campaign


AgForce Members: Please login to the website (follow Member Login button) to unlock additional fact sheets, information and in-depth analysis from us on Vegetation Management.


On May 3 2018, The Palaszczuk Government passed new vegetation management laws that will make it harder for farmers to do their jobs and shut down new agricultural development opportunities.

You can find more information on the Department's website here.

The Federal Labor Opposition has also proposed a policy to introduce a "land clearing trigger" into national environmental laws. That would mean yet another layer of red tape for farmers.

Read the article in The Australian newspaper here for more details.

AgForce used the Longman by-election to campaign for fair laws for farmers and had a stand at the Caboolture Country markets.

We created some flyers for the campaign. These are still available for you to download and use to help share the message and have the voice of farmers heard HERE and HERE.

For more details about the campaign and to get involved, click here.

Vegetation Management Update Webinar

This webinar was recorded on Wednesday 11 April with GIS Technical Officer Noel Brinsmead and Senior Policy Advisors Andrew Freeman and Dr Greg Leach. The webinar gives an overview of the proposed changes to legislation, including information on mapping layers, compliance, and interim codes.


To access AgForce's in-depth analysis of the changes, sign in through the 'Members Login' at the top right of the screen and scroll down below.

Show your support

Find out how you can show your support for QLD farmers while we battle these laws HERE. Materials you can find include: Facebook cover photos, profile photo frames and shareables.

Day of Action
AgForce organised a Day of Action on Tuesday 1 May, 2018 to voice our opposition to the vegetation management laws. Thousands of passionate people protested to demand fairer laws. Read more about the day HERE and watch a live stream video of the Brisbane Rally on our Facebook page HERE.

Social Media
Facebook, Instagram and Twitter are really great ways to help us share the stories of the bush, and how flawed vegetation management laws will affect you. Share a photo on social media using the hashtags #YourFoodOurFuture and #FairLaws4Farmers. Tell your story from wherever you are; On your horse, tractor, in the paddock and wear a green shirt to symbolise that farmers are the true environmentalists.

A step by step guide of how you can participate through social media is available HERE.

Below are A3 posters you can use to help share the message and have the voice of farmers heard.

Poster 1. Don't Change Veg Laws
Poster 2. Every Family Needs A Farmer #Your Food Our Future
Poster 3.  Every Family Needs A Farmer large sticker
Poster 4.  Fair Laws For Farmers
Poster 5. Farmers The True Environmentalists
Poster 6. Land Care You Can Believe In
Poster 7.  No Farmers = No Food
Poster 8. Save Our Food
Poster 9.  Support The People Who Feed You
Poster 10.  Your Food Our Future
(Print Friendly) Poster 11.  Every Family Needs A Farmer
(Print Friendly) Poster 12. Your Food Our Future

AgForce member Bush Babe of Oz has provided some more poster designs for your use.

Did you Know? On Average Each Aussie Farm Feeds 290 Australians
Did  You Know? On Average Each Aussie Farmers Producers Enough To Feed 600 People Worldwide
This business supports Queensland farmers
This household supports Queensland farmers
Beep if you support farmers. You wear clothes, right?
Beep if you support farmers. You eat, right?
We are in this together, farmers feed everyone
No more red tape, your food doesn't grow by itself
This household supports Queensland farmers (sticker size)

Parliamentary committee inquiry
A Parliamentary committee tabled their report on Monday 23 April. More details about the inquiry, the submission process and public hearings is available HERE. Find a copy of the Committee's report HERE and read our media release HERE.

Fact Sheet
It is important to remember the facts on vegetation management in Queensland. Download a fact sheet by clicking HERE.

Policy Proposal
AgForce have proposed a sustainable policy to end the divisive debate on vegetation laws. View our 'Healthy Environment, Healthy Agriculture' policy proposal HERE.

Media Releases
4 May           Dark day for Queensland agriculture
1 May            Thousands rally to call for fair laws for farmers
27 April         Parliament House protest to call for fair laws for farmers
24 April         Farmers at the end of their rope after vegetation laws report
16 April          Unsettled science highlights need for vegetation laws rethink
4 April            AgForce calls for study into social and economic impacts of vegetation laws
26 March       Week of rallies to protest against harsh vegetation laws
20 March      Farmers fury building over new vegetation laws
13 March       Farmers urged to make voices heard on new vegetation laws
8 March        Flawed laws will make it harder for farmers to grow your food

Other ways you can get involved

Contact your local MP and candidates
Email, phone or better still, call in and see your local MP. In addition, contact Palaszczuk Government MPs representing marginal seats in major cities near you, such as Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton and Maryborough.

You could also call Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk's office on (07) 3719 7000.

Her staff member will answer and you should let them know you would like to leave a message for the Premier. Politely explain how harsher vegetation management laws would affect you personally and why you want the Premier to re-think her current policy.

Please see names and contact details of Queensland MPs HERE.

For a list of Queensland Labor Government MP's and their Facebook contacts CLICK HERE.

Write a letter to the editor
Drop a line to the editor of your local newspaper, calling on your elected representative and/or local candidate to support fair laws for farmers. Again, it will be particularly beneficial to write to newspapers where there is a regional Labor MP in a marginal seat – such as in Cairns, Townsville, Rockhampton, and Maryborough. Use local examples wherever possible. It need not be long – 200 words is ample.

Facebook or Twitter
If you use Facebook or Twitter, please like, share and comment on AgForce's social media posts. Create your own posts and consider 'tagging' your local or nearby MP in posts explaining the importance of fair and balanced laws to allow sustainable agricultural production. Follow AgForce on social media by searching for @AgForceQLD.  Use the hashtags #YourFoodOurFuture and #FairLaws4Farmers

Recruit your city based family and friends
If you have family or friends in urban areas that love the bush and are sympathetic to your efforts to sustainably and profitably manage your land, please also ask them to email, phone or call in and see their local MP to communicate their support for our farmers.

Blog by AgForce Vegetation Management Committee Chair John te Kloot
AgForce Vegetation Management Committee Chair John te Kloot has written a blog post on the management of vegetation in Queensland. The article highlights the need for good, constructive vegetation management legislation and explains the Baseline Area Management Plan concept that has been developed by AgForce as a sustainable policy which is focussed on achieving the best environmental and agricultural production outcomes without strangling farmers in red tape.

Read the article here.

Policy Achievements
You can find our key policy achievements from the last financial year HERE.

Queensland State Election 2017 Policy Outline

AgForce releases a State Election Policy Outline detailing key policies to be implemented by an incoming government to best promote prosperity across the agriculture sector. You can read the 'Thriving Farms, Thriving Queensland' Policy Outline HERE.

Vegetation Management Campaign

Our website login feature is temporarily suspended while we are building a new member portal, so some information may not be available. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us for more information.

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