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LNP adopting AgForce’s landscape management policy a win for agriculture

Thursday, 20 Aug 2020

The decision by the LNP to adopt AgForce’s landscape management policy in close to its entirety is a win for environmentally sustainable agriculture and AgForce’s progressive...

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Ad hoc, city-centric road planning costing Queensland billions

Tuesday, 11 Aug 2020

Queensland’s failure to develop and fund a comprehensive and strategic road program – instead focusing on emergency fixes and urban roads that attract public attention – is costing...

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Agriculture proud to lead national carbon target – jointly with science

Thursday, 6 Aug 2020

AgForce has welcomed today’s commitment by the agriculture industry to lead the national objective of carbon neutrality by 2050 – and has called for vital collaboration with...

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Spotlight on water security for farmers vital for regional communities

Tuesday, 28 Jul 2020

AgForce has welcomed the LNP’s plan to reduce water prices for Queensland farmers, as well as the release of the long-awaited Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan, because secure and...

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Senate inquiry last chance for pristine Reef and strong communities

Monday, 27 Jul 2020

The Senate inquiry into Reef science being held in Brisbane today is our last chance to maintain a pristine Great Barrier Reef alongside a productive and sustainable farming sector and strong...

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COVID not the only animal-borne disease farmers are battling

Tuesday, 21 Jul 2020

AgForce is calling on the State Government to invest in and improve access to the vaccine for Q fever, a little-known infectious disease that causes significant lifelong health issues for farm...

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Bad science – not ‘bad’ agriculture – jeopardising the Reef

Tuesday, 14 Jul 2020

Widespread community misunderstanding about the health of the Reef – a result deliberately created by ideologically motivated players and scientific self-interest – is jeopardising not...

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State water trading scheme may hold key to agriculture-led COVID recovery

Tuesday, 7 Jul 2020

 A future-looking, bi-partisan water strategy – that may incorporate a broader water allocation trading scheme – is essential if regional Queensland is to lead the State’s...

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ABSF update welcomed by AgForce, but needs to tell our positive story better

Thursday, 25 Jun 2020

AgForce has welcomed the third annual update for the Australian Beef Sustainability Framework (ABSF) as celebrating the industry’s significant achievements, but noted that it needs to tell this...

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LNP’s CSG infrastructure initiative potential game-changer

Sunday, 21 Jun 2020

A joint statement by AgForce, the Queensland Farmers’ Federation (QFF) and the Australian Petroleum Production & Exploration Association (APPEA).Queensland’s peak agriculture bodies...

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State Government’s view of ag as ‘economic stabiliser’ just rhetoric?

Wednesday, 17 Jun 2020

Despite their rhetoric on Tuesday morning that agriculture would lead the post-COVID economy recovery, the Labor State Government just a few hours later showed their heart isn’t really in...

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AgForce welcomes measures to support ag-driven recovery

Tuesday, 16 Jun 2020

AgForce has welcomed the Premier’s announcement of measures to support primary producers to drive Queensland’s post-COVID economic recovery.A number of measures included in the $12.5...

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CSG insurance ban ‘could be worse than COVID’ for agriculture

Monday, 15 Jun 2020

News that some of Australia’s largest insurers are refusing to provide public liability cover to producers with CSG infrastructure on their properties is a “deeply concerning”...

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Considering freeholding? Act quickly before costs rise!

Wednesday, 10 Jun 2020

AgForce is encouraging Queensland’s 1,300 remaining perpetual lessees to weigh up whether to freehold their properties before costs rise at the end of the financial year.While freeholding can...

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AgForce welcomes Cane Board and new members

Tuesday, 26 May 2020

AgForce Cane is now a reality, with AgForce and the former Invicta Combined Growers Organisation (ICGO) signing and lodging the official paperwork on Friday.From today, any cane farmer in Burdekin /...

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Assistance rightly continued as drought rages on

Monday, 25 May 2020

AgForce has applauded the State Government for its decision to continue offering essential drought support measures for a further year as drought conditions continue across much of Queensland.In...

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AgForce Cane looks forward to May start – in time for crushing season

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

It is expected that North Queensland cane farmer group Invicta Combined Growers’ Organisation (ICGO) will become AgForce Cane before the end of the month.ICGO members have formally voted to...

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Northern Australian cattle producer-exporter collaboration shines through amidst Covid-19 restrictions

Monday, 11 May 2020

BackgroundThe Northern Australian Livestock Export Working Group (NALEWG) was formed in September 2018 and is a collaboration between:AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited (AgForce)Kimberley Pilbara...

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AgForce welcomes State waivers on land rent, transport fees

Friday, 1 May 2020

Pastoralists with grazing leases on crown land are celebrating this week after the State Government announced a 6‑month waiver on land rents – other than minimum rent leases – to...

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AgForce Cane one step closer with favourable ICGO vote

Friday, 1 May 2020

The establishment of cane as AgForce’s fourth commodity is one step closer, with a Special General Meeting of the Invicta Combined Growers’ Organisation (ICGO) today endorsing the...

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MSF applauded for molasses promise to cattle industry. Now, for the rest…

Tuesday, 28 Apr 2020

AgForce has welcomed the decision by MSF Sugar to guarantee a domestic molasses supply to the Australian cattle industry as it recovers from a record-breaking drought from their mills.We encourage...

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AgForce to introduce cane as a fourth commodity – pending Invicta vote

Friday, 24 Apr 2020

The AgForce Board has decided in-principle to introduce cane as the peak body’s fourth commodity – subject to several prerequisites.One of these prerequisites is that members of Invicta...

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‘Radical activism’ the last thing we need in our banks

Tuesday, 21 Apr 2020

The apparent refusal of some banks to lend to industries they believe are “socially sensitive” – such as firearms and live animal exports – has been condemned by AgForce as...

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Australia won’t go hungry while our farmers have our backs

Tuesday, 24 Mar 2020

While we live in troubling times, there is one thing Australians don’t have to worry – running out of high-quality fresh food.The agriculture industry is reassuring Australians that...

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Government misrepresents AgForce to ‘sell’ Reef regs to farmers

Tuesday, 17 Mar 2020

AgForce has asked that the Queensland Government immediately and publicly retract misinformation being spread by its officers that AgForce supports the new Reef regulations and mandatory...

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Clock ticking on primary producer land valuations

Tuesday, 3 Mar 2020

AgForce is warning primary producers throughout Queensland not to delay if they want to object to their new land valuations – or risk being lumped with higher rates and rent.The Valuer...

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Forum to set agenda for NQ beef industry

Wednesday, 19 Feb 2020

Widespread rains across northern Queensland have reinvigorated the region’s cattle producers with a new sense of optimism and a desire to set the industry on the path to meet its full...

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Ag industry gives Queensland Government a ‘FAIL’ for college project

Tuesday, 11 Feb 2020

Last week’s abolition of the Queensland Agricultural Colleges Act without any vision or plan for replacing the institutions has led a frustrated ag industry to hand the State Government an...

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AgForce looks forward to working with ‘critical’ new Queensland Ministers

Thursday, 6 Feb 2020

AgForce has congratulated Queensland-based Ministers David Littleproud and Keith Pitt on their new portfolios and looks forward to further strengthening our relationships with their critical...

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AgForce ‘Stands Up’ for fair trade with powerhouse EU beef market

Wednesday, 5 Feb 2020

AgForce has called on the European Union – one of the world’s largest consumers of red meat – to play fair when it comes to international trade.CEO Michael Guerin said the...

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Lake Eyre basin consultation unearths rich vein of community frustration

Tuesday, 4 Feb 2020

AgForce’s community consultation on the State Government’s Lake Eyre Basin proposal has revealed a deep sense of frustration and disenfranchisement among Queensland’s regional...

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Advocacy is looking out for each other – and we need you

Wednesday, 29 Jan 2020

By AgForce General President Georgie SomersetI have been amazed and touched this week by the outpouring of congratulations I have received as a result of my Order of Australia.To say I was surprised...

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AgForce congratulates trailblazing Georgie Somerset on Order of Aust

Tuesday, 28 Jan 2020

AgForce is thrilled that our General President Georgie Somerset has been named a Member of the Order of Australia in recognition of her long-term advocacy for rural and regional Australians.CEO...

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AgForce coordinator to reduce wild dog impacts in central west Queensland

Friday, 24 Jan 2020

AgForce has appointed a new Central West Queensland Wild Dog Coordinator to help revive Queensland’s once thriving wool and sheep meat industries by reducing the threat posed by wild...

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Government’s failure to grasp drought crisis ‘shameful’: AgForce

Thursday, 16 Jan 2020

The failure of the State Government to appreciate the seriousness of the drought crisis – and its ongoing unwillingness to accept advice from people on the ground – have left many rural...

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Where is the Premier on drought support?

Wednesday, 15 Jan 2020

By AgForce Drought Working Group Chair Mark CollinsSometimes it amazes me how uncaring and out of touch governments can be, even with a crisis as urgent, as widespread, as potentially catastrophic in...

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AgForce locks in dates for our Lake Eyre Basin consultation

Tuesday, 14 Jan 2020

AgForce has locked in dates for a series of consultation workshops to discuss the future of the Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) and the State Government’s proposal, encouraging everyone to mark them on...

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AgForce to conduct Lake Eyre plan consultation

Monday, 6 Jan 2020

With the State Government refusing to conduct genuine consultation on its Lake Eyre Basin (LEB) plan – or even release any information on what the plan entails – AgForce has stepped in to...

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