2020 AgForce Elections

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2020 AgForce Elections

Key dates

  • Monday, 13 July: nominations open at 12pm

  • Monday 3 August: nominations close at 12pm

  • Monday, 31 August: ballots for contested positions open at 12pm

  • Wednesday, 30 September: ballots close at 12pm


On this page:

AgForce’s strength lies in its membership. But it’s our elected representatives, the men and women who volunteer their time to represent agriculture in Queensland, that are our heartbeat. Without them, nothing else happens.

They sit on committees and boards and make the decisions that shape the way we do things: which issues to tackle, what battles to fight, how to approach the many varied issues we face.

They do it because, like me, they want to make a difference, they want to improve the agriculture industry, now, and for the generations to come.

They are the voice of primary producers, their families, and the regional communities they call home.
After all, you elect them, so they serve to speak for you.

Recently, AgForce celebrated 20 years advocating for the primary producers of Queensland, and on a personal note, I’m proud to say that I’ve been involved with our peak state farming body throughout that time.

Being an elected representative of AgForce has allowed me to work for and with some of the most resilient, resourceful, and positive people living anywhere in the world. 

Nominating, serving – it’s a privilege I don’t ever take for granted.

If you too have the passion to give back to the greatest industry, an industry we can’t do without, the industry that clothes and feeds so many around the world, then your own personal journey starts now...

- Georgie Somerset, AgForce General President

In accordance with clause 83 of the AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited constitution, the Nomination and Remuneration Rules Committee call for nominations for positions of office.

Notice to members (download the below information as a PDF)


Nominations open at midday on Monday, 13 July 2020. Nominations must be written, signed by the nominees, their proposers and seconders, all of whom must be voting members, and reside in or have business interests in their region, and be lodged with the Nomination and Remuneration Committee no later than midday on Monday, 3 August 2020.

A nomination form suitable for use in this election is printed with this notice. Nomination forms are also available from the AgForce Brisbane office. Any nomination that complies with AgForce Queensland Farmers Limited Constitution is acceptable.

Nominations may be received by hand delivery, post, facsimile or email that includes the signatures of the nominees and nominators. Nominees will receive a confirmation email that their nomination has been received by the Brisbane office.

Eligibility to contest the election

Any voting member is entitled to nominate for and be elected to the office of General President.

Only voting members may be nominated to office. A financial voting member is a member whose subscription is no more than 60 days in arrears as at the date of the opening of nominations. Prospective candidates should refer to the Constitution for further details relating to requirements to stand for office, and it is recommended that prospective candidates, their proposers and seconders confirm their financial status and other qualifications required before lodging a nomination form.

Candidate statements

Candidates may lodge a statement on an A4 sheet of paper, or an email, and include their name and other details, e.g. their credentials, policies, views and work (industry) history. Statements will be reproduced and distributed with ballot materials. These statements must reach the Brisbane office by close of nominations.


Ballots for contested positions will open on Monday, 31 August 2020. Only financial voting members who reside in or have business interests in their region when nominations close may vote in the elections. The ballot will close at midday on Wednesday, 30 September 2020. Members should ensure that AgForce is advised of any change in their membership details.


Vacant positions

General President (1)

Board Member – Commodity Boards

  • Cattle Board President (1), plus:
    • South East representatives (2)
    • Southern Inland (2)
    • Central (4)
    • North (6)
    • South West (1)
  • Sheep and Wool Board President (1), plus:
    • South East representatives (1)
    • Southern Inland (4)
    • North (4)
    • South West (2)
  • Grains Board President (1), plus:
    • South East representatives (3)
    • Southern Inland (2)
    • Central (2)
    • Special Directors (up to 4)

Board Member – Regional Directors

  • North Region (1)
  • Central Region (1)
  • South East Region (1)
  • Southern Inland Region (1)
  • South West Region (1)

Regional Councils

North Region

  • Regional President (1)
  • Regional Councillor Representatives (6)

Central Region

  • Regional President (1)
  • Regional Councillor Representative (8)

South East Region

  • Regional President (1)
  • Regional Councillor Representative (5)

Southern Inland Region

  • Regional President (1)
  • Regional Councillor Representatives (4)

South West Region

  • Regional President (1)
  • Regional Councillor Representatives (4)



Position Descriptions

  1. General President
  2. Cattle Commodity Director
  3. Grain Commodity Director
  4. Sheep and Wool Commodity Director
  5. Commodity Council President
  6. Regional Councillor
  7. Regional Director
  8. Regional President

Forms and information

  1. Notice to members (this page information as a PDF)
  2. Commodity Board Directors vacancies information
  3. Election pack + all forms
    1. General nomination form
    2. Cattle nomination form
    3. Grain nomination form
    4. Sheep and Wool nomination form


  1. AgForce Constitution
  2. Code of conduct for elected representatives
  3. Communication protocols for elected representatives


More testimonials from currently-serving members.


AgForce Regions

The image below includes AgForce regions breakdown in relation to local government boundaries.

PDF version.

2020 AgForce Elections

Our website login feature is temporarily suspended while we are building a new member portal, so some information may not be available. If you experience any difficulties, please contact us for more information.

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